30. The Third Trumpet

REVELATION 8.10 The third angel sounded, and a great star fell from the sky, burning like a torch, and it fell on one third of the rivers, and on the springs of the waters. 8.11 The name of the star is called “Wormwood.” One third of the waters became wormwood. Many people died from the waters, because they were made bitter. -WEB Bible.

It's hard to imagine how a falling star, or meteor, could poison the waters. Perhaps it plows so deep into the ground that underground reservoirs are poisoned by it? Again, we won't know how this vision is fulfilled until it happens.

We live in strange times. Jesus predicted that these days would happen: he said that the era of deception would be so powerful everyone would be sucked into it. Every day we're told: “Listen to this!” and then, “No, he's a liar, listen to this!” People send me videos with “secret information” every day.

But there's no peace in the tug of war that is going on: only fear-mongering and unrest. Like the Wormwood meteor in Revelation, all the waters are poisoned. Is there any place where pure, clear water can be found?

Jesus promises us peace that rises above the troubles of this world: peace that goes beyond our understanding, because we trust in HIM instead of the frantic affairs going on around us. If we want to know truth, and peace, we must seek Jesus.

Philippians 4:7 And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your thoughts in Christ Jesus. -WEB Bible.  

IMAGE CREDIT: Photo composition by C.A. Stevens, public domain sources.