24. The Seventh Seal

REVELATION 8.1 When he opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven for about half an hour.
-WEB Bible

In the image above, John is on the left holding his book. Christ is on the throne, and he is holding an orb or globe: this is a traditional symbol of the Pantocrator (God the source and sustainer of all Life and Power.) Images with Jesus holding a book are also symbols of the Pantocrator (Alpha and Omega.)

The four Seraphim are around the throne, as usual. The Lamb, who is Jesus Christ, opens the Seventh Seal.  On the right side, seven angels stand by with their seven trumpets. They are looking at an angel above them who is giving instructions.

The Douce Apocalypse is one of several richly illustrated manuscripts of the Apocalypse made in England in the thirteenth century. (Wikimedia)